
Maling Pass, Lake Guyon, Fowler Pass circuit

matthew matthew 5 Apr 2015
I walked this over Easter, taking 4.5 hours each day and staying at Lake Guyon. The hut here is small and popular, so I slept outside. The Maling Pass section is smooth and easy walking, but the section over Fowlers Pass is a rougher and narrow track, picking its way up a small stream. The visit to Stanley Vale Hut was a highlight. Poplars turning yellow, and rowan trees turning red on the hillsides. Wind picked up on the second day, so the cycling back up the road to the car was a miserable slog.
Honora Honora 4 Nov 2012
A nice variant to the circuit is to go over a low saddle at the head of the Stanley into the head of Sandy Stream. On the Sandy Stream side water appears not far from the top so it would be possible and attractive to camp up there on the saddle. The route in Sandy Stream is also pleasant. Must do this from Sandy Stream and then over Fowlers sometime with a bike back to the Clarence sometime. I saw a stunning patch of penwiper plants in the head of Sandy Stream where a shingly side stream drains on to the terrace of the stream.