Internal messaging - option to edit?

Just noticed there's no option to edit an internal message (or delete). Would be good to have that option as for forum posts...?
Hi @Jetnz. Noted. That is by design, and is the same as email. You can't edit or delete an email you have already sent. Sadly, editable messages can be a vehicle for online harrassment as one can simply delete the evidence. I could add an option to edit messages you send if the messages are versioned so that the original message is retained.
Thanks @Matthew, I think some of us have just gotten used to having the edit/delete option in social media. In saying that, what you suggest sounds fine but only if it's not a big deal to implement. The other day I clicked 'reply' to a message but did not notice till it was posted that part of the message I was replying to had been copied into my text. With no edit option I hastily apologised to the recipient for the jumbled up message.

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Started by JETNZ
On 5 October 2016
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