Website updates, July 2016

Aside from a few bugfixes, I have also added a set of community values. These are linked to in the footer of every page. We do not all necessarily share the same political views or cultural attitudes. However, these values will guide how content is managed in future. I aim to provide a space where people can communicate productively and respectfully. Some issues are simply too fraught and too highly charged for constructive dialogue to be workable here, and I want to steer the community away from these destructive conversations. I would welcome feedback on these values.
you can strongly encourage that people respect landowners rights... and the site doesn't condone or endorse ignoring land users rights. what people do when they aren't on the forum is up to them in the end...
Hi waynowski, the community values are intended to guide how content is managed. The choices members make are another matter entirely.
I think those values are well written. They allow flexibility when needed but also set definite boundarys not to cross. Its always a hard line to draw. Make it too strict and the forum starves of interesting posts and dies. Make it too easy and the members kill the forum. Ive been a member here for many years and notice its only been necessary to even consider setting values and rules in the last few months. Before the forum ran just fine but not recently. Whats changed?
I actually believe that community values have been needed for quite some time, and I believe all community sites would benefit from them. I think they work better than setting more and more rules. Ideally, I would like to remove rules in deference to the community values.

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Started by matthew
On 24 July 2016
Replies 4
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