Website updates, June 2016

A series of updates are on the way and will be delivered progressively. 1) the site is now full time HTTPS, in line with modern web standards. This means that information sent to and from the site is fully encrypted. Still to come: 2) The Track Finder geolocation feature was disabled for HTTP in the latest Chrome browser. Now that the site is HTTPS, that feature is back. 3) Search has been rebuilt. The interface is new. You can also search your favourites or your contributions. This will be developed further in time. 4) Many bug fixes.
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@madpom thanks that bug is fixed and will be rolled out in the next couple days. Basically what happened is that I moved all images to just-in-time resizing and caching. The new images are stored in a different location. Some images are still pointed at the old address.
... also, hitting backspace in the search box deletes a char, as it should, but the cursor then jumps to the end of the text (rather than staying in place).
A few issues fixed: * can't sign up due to CAPTCHA not working * visitor's book hiding some visits * embedded images not showing That search box issue: noted, not fixed.
Minor but amusing one for you @Matthew: Whats New? is having trouble with its maths: "Climbing Egmont • Article, updated 22 Jun 20162 days ago" Or maybe there's just a space missing between 2016 and 2 days ago!
@madpom ah thanks. Should be showing one or other, not both.
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Started by matthew
On 11 June 2016
Replies 24
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