Website updates: January 2016

Here's what's coming down the tubes for early January. 1) Adding a search button to the top navigation rail. 2) Mark tracks, photos, etc as favourites. This is a reinstatement of the old "bookmarks" feature so some long-time users will see their old bookmarks return. 3) A few urgent bugfixes. Hope you like the changes. I'm excited to get them out the door. And... for the record, no I'm not on holiday. I will be taking New Year's Day off for a decent walk though!
The changes listed above have been rolled out, along with a number of bugfixes. Enjoy!
Ta :)
1 deleted post from bernieq
They look great - thanks!
Further January updates: * Favourites pagination fixed * Added "locate me" icon to map and shifted position of detail popups * a few style changes on mail screens, including avatars * rewrote mail engine * restyled photographs screen to work properly on mobile * added some forum moderation information More to come very soon.
A further update for you: hotkeys have been updated. See an overview by pressing: Shift + / Changes include: * New keys for viewing items. * New "r" key to reply in a forum. * "g p" now goes to photographs. * "g m" now goes to map. * "@ @" goes to your profile. * "@ f" goes to your favourites. * "@ m" goes to your mail. * "@ x" logs you out.

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On 31 December 2015
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