October updates

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Hi everybody, I have rolled out the following changes: * Email notifications on internal messages (you need to turn this on in your profile) * New, more obvious mail icon * Bug fix: profile menu not functional on touch screens * Bug fix: search no longer receives focus automatically on the side menu. This was a problem on touch screens as the keyboard would appear. If you want to search quickly on a desktop PC you can just hit this key: "/". * On touch screens you can now swipe left to pull out the menu or swipe right to hide it. I am still experimenting with the usability of this. * Search box now has an "X" so you can clear it easily. To avoid confusion, I have changed the button that closes the menu to an arrow rather than another "X". * Reduced level of advertising. Please note that many parts of the site are still not designed for mobile devices. However, support is improving. Finally, improved workflows and tools mean it's far easier for me to provide smaller, more frequent updates. That's my goal as there's not much sense sitting on an inventory of completed but not deployed work. I hope these updates cut through most of the problems people have been having with the new design. Please let me know if you hit other problems.
Thanks @Matthew. In case it's of use for others, I needed to force a reload (ctrl-shift-r in firefox) for much of this to start working.
If the track finder wasn't working for you...I've just fixed it. Sorry!
Red icon for inter-forum mail is boomer ! No missing it now. Thanks :)
Just noticed a new problem. Cant copy text to quote a previous poster This is on firefox
^^ Noticed this last week too.
Uh that's annoying. Will check!
Bugfixes deployed today: 1) Can't select text. This was caused by the swipe control for opening the menu. I have disabled swiping open, but you can still swipe closed. Swipe open was also causing some issues when you scroll vertically but slightly crooked. 2) Couldn't edit gpx files. 3) Flagging messages in the forums not working.

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Started by matthew
On 11 October 2015
Replies 7
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