Acorns & Oaks: Youth vs Maturity

When I joined the CHCH Tramping Club I learnt two things; 1. I'm not as fit as I thought I was, and 2. Some members in their 60's/70s are the most agile, fast and sinuously strong people who could leave most of us in their wake. Their stamina is equally as impressive. Never judge a tramper by their weathered exteriors!
21–27 of 27

Just a habit, that then screws your appreciation of how things really taste. Similar with sugar. Yeah. Sense of taste well off whack.
habituation the other trick is to combine salt and sugar together in foods, they cancel each others sickliness out, but it still over stimulates they hypothalamus and the appetite creating greater hunger, common food industry strategy to get you to eat more... if you took out either the sugar or the salt you wouldnt like the food. read the labels in the supermarket to see what foods contain. and remember sugar gets all sorts of different labels, fructose, corn syrup... cereals are often loaded with sugar and salt... not all "health foods" are really health foods. dont let me put you off your desert but just correctly identify that you are eating what you think you are eating...
35 years ago stopped adding additional salt to my food, and sugar to my coffee. Didn't notice too much difference to anything at the time probably because of the cigarette smoking, couldn't taste anything anyway. Finally gave the cigs away, and food became a real treat to eat. Still haven't managed to cut back on the dairy, milk, cheese, butter. I guess that's better than some vices.
My old father-in-law used to add a heap of salt to everything and he lived to 95. My aunt died last year and never eat fruit or vegetables - she also was 95. HER father-in-law lived to 104 (died after falling out of bed) and his diet was crap, by modern standards (his standard food was Single Malt - an old Scotsman). We are all different and life's a lottery - it seems to me.
yeah but junk food diets today are even worse than those of yesteryear. witnessed by higher than ever obesity and diabetes. and increased sedentary lifestyles.. your grandparents wouldn't have spent most of their spare time in front of TV and computer screens... and they wouldn't have driven everywhere.
"The other trick is to combine salt and sugar together in foods, they cancel each others sickliness out, but it still over stimulates they hypothalamus and the appetite creating greater hunger, common food industry strategy to get you to eat more... " So true, Wayno. Apparently the US military discovered this when they were asked to investigate how to get the soldiers to eat more of their rations. The mix of sugar and salt and fat overcomes satiety. Only having one of these would induce satiety. Apparently only 10% of the population are vulnerable to issues from eating too much salt. Wish I'd known that, would have got more iodine in my system if I hadn't avoided salt, thinking I was doing the right thing. My BP is around 100/60 for god's sake.
21–27 of 27

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