Acorns & Oaks: Youth vs Maturity

When I joined the CHCH Tramping Club I learnt two things; 1. I'm not as fit as I thought I was, and 2. Some members in their 60's/70s are the most agile, fast and sinuously strong people who could leave most of us in their wake. Their stamina is equally as impressive. Never judge a tramper by their weathered exteriors!
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gary's had chronic fatigue and recovered from it himself, he is a top level veteran mountain biker, at 60 he often beats all the veterans in races, he is Lorraine Mollers brother.
I bought an iodine level testing kit from Gary. Yet to use it but maybe I should as I'm eating a tiny bit of seaweed every day in my miso/natto pickle. Be curious to see if that has improved things since I last tested as deficient. Absolutely agree that supplements need to be individualised. I've got trace metal and organic acid level testing kits that I've yet to use too. I have to go off supplements to use them and send them off early in the week. One problem with juicing is the massive concentration I hear. Kale has its own problems. Raw crucifers are out of bounds for us Hashis people though. I sauteed nettles the other day and they were delicious.
carrot juice is like drinking soft drink its so high in sugar, most of the carrot fibre is removed allowing it to spike your blood sugar....
so iodine,, youu can get it in able salt which is sodium chloride, iodine and chloride are a couple of elements in the halide group , they compete with each other for absorption reducing the amount that gets absorbed, you have a massive amount of sodium with a miniscule amount of iodine, so not a lot of the iodine gets absorbed. fluoride is another halide as well , which again competes with iodine for absorption.
Yup, we Hashi's have to avoid the halides. Thank god they don't use bromide in NZ flour like they do in the US. Milk used to contain iodine in NZ b/c it was used to clean the teats and milking equipment. I must find out if it's still used here. Here in Chch we don't have chlorinated water, so that's a blessing. After the quakes they chlorinated our water for a few months but the hospital and lab had their own artesian wells so we were safe. I lugged 4 L home a day and showered at work to keep myself safe. The annoying thing is that iodine is fuel on the fire of auto-immune thyroiditis unless a stringent protocol of selenium and other minerals is followed. I took a very small dose of Lugol's solution and monitored the rise of my thyroid a/b's by a factor of 10 so had to put on the brakes! Thyroid disease is so many co-factor deficiencies that can interfere.
iodine is a lynch pin in your immune system and energy and protein metabolism.. if you dont have enough , they arent going to function optimally. iodine deficiency is widespread, not the clinical type such as goitre, but most people don't digest enough from their diet.
iodine is added to table salt. I dont know if its added to food industry salt. In NZ there is few other sources of iodine but the body does need a certain amount. Too much or too little is bad for you although large doeses of iodine are used for preventing radiation sickness. These days there is a big reduction in peoples salt intake which has resulted with some people getting iodine deficiant diseases
iodine is very deficient in nz soils, very little gets into the food grown here. some early immigrants who didnt have access to seafood and only locally grown food would devlop goitres
Thats why we have iodidsed salt but as everyone reduced salt intake they also inadvertently reduced iodine intake. 10 years ago goitres were unheard of. Not so now
Joined a group of 'gents' for lunch at the local watering hole the other day. The amount of salt they added was unbelievable. Taste buds must be shot to be adding that much!
11–20 of 27

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