May 2014 updates

Hi everybody, Following is a summary of the latest updates. But first a note: if things look very broken, try clearing your browser cache. Instructions here:'s-Cache The home page has been partly redesigned. I have dispensed with the letterbox-wide "hero" image as it is simply too hard to find images that work in that format. The new image is bigger and simpler to update (which means I will have time to update it!). New geographic search pins next to the search boxes -- simply click the pin and find stuff near you. This is very much a work in progress, and I have several ideas on improving it. You may have noticed the new blog. The idea here is to provide space to editorialise. It doesn't look particularly pretty at this stage, but that's a work in progress too. At this stage, only I can post to it. However, I can imagine this feature evolving and opening up in future, and I think that could be really interesting. The navigation rail has been rearranged. I merged safety into the home menu, added an "Add..." menu as that functionality was getting a little too buried. And the blog is sitting up there too although it doesn't really deserve the spot yet. Some things that were broken are broken no longer too! Let me know if you strike any issues. I hope you like the changes -- many more to come. Matthew
11–12 of 12

Hi @madpom, I think that might be a JS caching issue. Can you clear your cache?
Thanks Matthew - I should have tried that before crying out. All good now.
1 deleted post from madpom
11–12 of 12

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Started by matthew
On 8 May 2014
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