I like branching

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Just wanted to see what would happen if I branched a topic. :)
IMO I don't like how it appears to be part of @Matthew 's previous post in the main topic when it splits off.
Yes I noticed that. Is the branch connected to the previous thread, or to the specific message in the previous thread which happened to be most recent at the time of branching?
Hi everybody, It is connected to the specific message, so you can see at what point the topic branched. However, @Scottie is right -- the branch is not part of the message. In my opinion, the branch notice should appear *between* messages rather than in the bottom of a message. How does that sound?
Hi @Matthew, I would agree that the branch notice should be *between* messages as you have mentioned. Cheers
I've made some changes to address these points.

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Started by izogi
On 27 March 2014
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