personal locator beacons

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Has anyone got stories of (un)successfully using a PLB? They cost a bob or two, and so the committee of my tramping club is not wanting to get them without evidence of their use. I reckon they are worth it, even with a mountain radio, because they can attract a rescue at once, but a mountain radio will have to wait for evening usually, so a rescue is next day. For an injured person, this wait could allow them to bleed to death.
i think one of the key issues with these devices is user responsibility. it just seems too likely for people to use them as an escape option when things get a little uncomfortable. is a penalty incurred for using them in inappropriate situations? as for bleeding, it would seem to me that if a person is in that dire a need for an evac, ie femoral artery, the victim would bleed to death by the time rescue arrives regardless of how it was called.
Hi guys I have looked into this in the last week,right now the old beacons will work up till the end of feb 2009 then the new digital 406 mhz beacons will take over,but the doc is not sure if they will be ready in time IE:could be March april 2009. I got all this info from Sonya at the Wanaka DOC,they hire out the Beacons and the Mountain radios as well,i might hire a radio for 14 days at a cost of $100.00 if the beacons are not ready,im not sure yet what i will do. Te Anau DOC dont hire Beacons or radios,but you can hire them from the BP service station up the road from the DOC office.Sonya said you only realy need them if you are going to go off the track and as long as you fill in the Intentions form and put in a panic date and sign the hut book each time you stay at a hut you should be OK. If you break your leg you could be on the track until the ranger works out that your missing,then a beacon or radio would help Lindsay
Regarding evac within a few hours, vs having to wait till the evening to get a message out and wait till the next day for evac, there are plenty of possible injuries where this time could mean the difference between surviving (or surviving with faculties intact) and not. Chris. (doctor in my spare time.)
I got given one for xmas, I doubt it would get me rescued any sooner because it stays in the boot of my car most of the time. I find it hard to take extra weight which I do not intend to use. One day I might reject it but I am prepared to live with the risk for now.
You are a bit like me. You prioritise and when it comes down to it you can take a lot of precautions to ensure your safety BEFORE you put something extra in your pack. What gets me is that you hear the authorities praise people for carrying a PLB. I wonder when we will start to be condemed for NOT taking one.
by authorities do you mean media? hardly an authority. i think it really depends on the severity of the trip, and your ability to make sounds decisions. the fact that they are one-way communicators means the victim has to be responsible and positively certain that the situation has turned extremely bad. like i said before, what's to stop ill-equipped trampers from calling in for help when they have decided they don't want to walk on their blisters anymore?
Just that event is taking place already I seem to recall a comment in media recently about the number of activations especially in the south island increasing. And the main complaint was something as simple as being mislaid for an hour or two or a bit late getting out.
I agree, I think they are a great device for serious emergencies, but for some people the temptation will be to use them when the going gets a bit hard, or for minor injuries that cause discomfort but no danger. Whether the weight is worth carrying depends on the group (size and experience) and the trip. If I tramped alone off the main tracks I think I would always take one. But I don't tramp alone, and as yet I have never taken one.
Hi Chris1 I agree with you,i had the mis fortune to break my little toe at the Mt Aspiring hut the night before i wa due to walk out,i did all iceing in the river and taped it to the toe next to it.The next day it was very painful but i still walked out getting taken out was the last thing on my mind and the ranger even said do you wont a lift out i said NO WAY
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