Intentions web sites

Another site you might consider for trip planning and intentions is
Have you used it? I had a look but then I wasn't clear on how you actually log intentions.
I think RoughPlan is mostly about planning a trip, but it also has functions to email/SMS someone if you haven't reported back in, to alert them to do something. I'm not sure how much of your planning info they have access to, but if you create a Panic Alert feature you get an entirely new screen full of spaces to write specific intention info. You still need to specify a trusted contact which the site can email and SMS and generally alert after a certain time. If the lack of someone you trust is the problem, RoughPlan won't solve it but you could alternatively leave intentions with a service like Adventure Buddy or Safety Outdoors. (The latter charges.) I haven't used it, but started trying to plan a trip in it about a week ago. I'm not sure if we'll use it or not because I really want to share trip-admin rights with at least one other person, but it doesn't seem to want to let me do that. It looks like the original developers from the NZ Alpine Club have decided to do other things, and left the website in the hands of someone else, so it might not be improved or updated so urgently for a while.
Thanks for the comments. I'll add it to the list here: . It sounds to me like this particular app is trying to do a lot more than just intentions, which is fine if you want that. I probably wouldn't bother, myself.
I think the idea of it is quite good. I have used it to set up trips but don't really seem to be able to get others into the jist of it. I think it would be great for organising club trips and larger groups, ie sending out information to everyone. I haven't used it for alerts and have that switched off but the idea is that each individual specifies contacts in their personal profiles and whether they are contacted by email or text. The trip leader when setting up the profile of the trip specifies a panic date and I presume that all hell breaks loose and everyone's mother, boyfriend, cousin and nephew gets a text or email when the leader forgets to switch off the panic date after everyone is safely home from the trip.

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Started by pmcke
On 18 February 2013
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