Outages and performance

Hi everybody, You may have noticed there was a site outage over the weekend. I made some changes to improve performance. In doing so, I inadvertantly disabled login. Sorry about that. My primary focus at the moment is performance and resilience. However, if outages such as this continue, then I will be looking at switching to a private server. Currently, the hosting is shared, meaning other websites share space with this one. This is an economical option, but it does expose you to potential issues if there are other problem sites. Private hosting would be 3-4 times more expensive than the current option, but it may prove necessary. If that is the case, I will need to find a way to cover that cost. It has been a rough ride here for the past couple months. I am spending a lot of time working on the new site, and I do expect things to improve in terms of both functionality and performance. Matthew
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Ha! More info on the above issue ... I go home I click on Richmond Alpine Route ... all displayed Ok I go home I click on Northern Tararua Walks ... -> Northern Tararua text is displayed -> BUT: Alpine route huts, photos still displayed But if I only go to Northern Tararua Walks all is good - incorrect images and huts are not dipslayed Have you turned caching on?
Ah well spotted thanks very much. I'll get that sorted. FYI the data is OK. It's just screwed up in display. I didn't specifically turn caching on, but a server issue was blocking caching from working. This has been resolved, so yes that may be the cause of this behaviour.
OK the server (not the app) was doing the caching. I cleared the caches without changing any settings and now I cannot replicate the issue. This suggests that I may have already addressed the setting. Let's see what happens...
11–13 of 13

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Started by matthew
On 11 February 2013
Replies 12
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