Application for Helicopter landings in westland

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Application by Precision Helicopters Ltd for landings in the Hokitika backcountry Application by Precision Helicopters Ltd for landings in the Hokitika backcountry The Department of Conservation has publicly notified an application for a concession by Precision Helicopters Ltd for regular landings in the backcountry inland of Hokitika. The following landing sites are proposed: Miserable Ridge, Totara – Mikonui Forests, 5235685.9 E 1434610.5 N Mount Beamount, Wanganui/Otira Catchments, 5226180.6 E 1431831.2 N Remarkable Peak, Wanganui/Otira Catchments, 5230282.0 E 1431661.0 N Prices Flat, Wanganui/Otira Catchments, 5225476.9 E 1438039.3 N Whataroa Glacier, Waitangi Forest, 5191753.0 E 1399398.0 N Mount Greenland, Upper Totara Ecological Area, 5242431.0 E 1422382.0 N These are popular destinations for trampers seeking remote experiences away from civilization. FMC is thus strongly opposed to the application, and is writing a comprehensive submission. We would like to encourage our members and supporters to submit. Some of the points your submission could touch on include the following: The West Coast CMS states that “Concessions may be granted for regular aircraft landings within the backcountry-remote zone where adverse effects on conservation values, recreational users, remote or wilderness values can be avoided or otherwise minimised.” (p205) and “In the event of doubt, the operative parts of the CMS will be interpreted in favour of the intrinsic values identified at specific Places (see Volume I, Part 4, Chapter 4.2).” How would the proposed landings affect your experience as a tramper? How would granting this concession fit with the country’s 2050 zero carbon target? What is the effect of helicopter noise on our native wildlife? Are the roposed mitigation measures adequate? Is it appropriate for the Department of Conservation to grant a concession to an aircraft operator that openly advertised flights over a gazetted Wilderness Area Has the applicant provided sufficient information on relevant issues to support a decision the public can have confidence in? Submissions close 5 pm, Wednesday 19 August 2020. Send your submission to, including the words “Precision Helicopters Limited submission” in the email’s subject line
That is funny! I was walking up Miserable Ridge 2 months back when a helicopter comes swooping in and lands 200m ahead of me - Precision helicopters. I think the worst - that they're out looking for lost trampers/hunters and going to quiz me on who I've seen. But no, 4 townies in townie clothes get out and potter up onto a knob to take selfies against a backdrop of the coast. The pilot spots me and jumps out, wanders over 'sorry - didn't see you there', he says 'one of them was feeling a bit sick, so I put down to give them some fresh air'. Ah. I thought. That sounds like an excuse. So you don't have a permit to land then! We had a bit of a yarn and he warned me of gale-force winds that afternoon - which was good advice as that ridgeline up to Mt Bowen was bloody narrow and bloody exposed. Spend the night lying in Mikonui Spur Biv listening to the roofoing iron popping with each gust & feeling the 10mm or so of lift in the foundation tiedowns. Would have been lethal up on the ridgeline, had I lingered. Miserable night huddled in a hollow at least, had it hit whilst I was up there. So I owe him one really ... but there you go - too good a yarn not to share.
DOC would want to know about that
If the story is true then emergency unplanned landing are permitted under aviation rules. They are meant to be an alternative to emergency uncontrolled landings rather than passengers puking down the pilots back though.
would have been interesting to see his reaction if you started taking photos...
Well - I was wearing a green Swazi top with orange hi viz panel - discount stock from when DOC stopped using Swazi as a supplier for said item. And a set of quick-dry green shorts. All looking very like standard (until recently) DOC uniform. So I suspect my arrival got his blood pressure & heart rate up a bit even as it was.
you could argue now the helicopter company are better off being left to do what they are doing now than if they got approval, which would let them land when people were around, at present they are trying to avoid landing near people, and if they are denied landing rights are they still allowed to overfly anyway?
Overflys: absolutely. Flying by over 50m above ground needs no permission - if I remember the number right. Sure others will correct me if I got the altitude wrong. But whatever the number of meters in the CAA code to trigger landowner permission, DOC have no legal basis to approve or deny overflys. Just as iwi didn't a decade or 2 back when that issue came up.
The interesting test re my encounter would be to know what the rules say about reporting unscheduled landings without permission for medical or safety reasons. You'd suspect they need reporting by the operator, or at least logging. If someone wanted to stir things up - it would be interesting to know if that was done.
they would need to pay a concession to DOC to be able to land... its an prosecutable offense to land without approval or a justifiable reason.. obviously they couldnt keep using excuses regularly, it would be obvious they were taking the piss.
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