Tracks petition

Vehicle tracks, mountain biking tracks, cycle trails, foot-tracks and tramping routes. To: recreational users of NZ Topo50 mapping (printed and digital). If you agree that New Zealand’s Topo50 maps need a wider range of track symbols, please sign the electronic petition at: Please share this message widely among track-users. The petition will be open for signing until 31 December 2020. Thank you. petemcd
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Peter, Many thanks for the time and effort you've put into this. And to everyone else who's commented on this informed and highly interesting thread. I must confess I clicked on it with few expectations and then found myself both engrossed and educated. Sometimes the internet works really well :-)
An MP presented my mapping petition to Parliament yesterday. The timing looks likely to coincide conveniently with the imminent formal policy process announced last year by MPI (see link below). This process “will include public consultation on proposals for change”. The MPI decision on the proposed collaboration between the NZWAC and LINZ could be very general, with little specifically about mapping. Or it might cover mapping in some detail. I’m hoping for the latter and for a determined problem-solving attitude from LINZ and the NZWAC, combined with some Kiwi ingenuity and optimism. We are a small country but we can win the Americas Cup and we can send satellites into orbit, so we should be able to produce better topographic maps, printed and digital.
21–22 of 22

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by petemcd
On 5 June 2020
Replies 21
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