Taranaki - North Summit Route in winter

Hi there, Has anyone here done this and could comment on it's difficulty and technicality? I am beginning in tramping above the snow-line but have done the AURAC snow skills course so have some of the required knowledge to use ice-axe and crampons and assess the mountain for avalanche danger. Any guidance on good alpine routes for beginners also appreciated.
its a steep walk using the main route from the north, with ice axe and crampons and appropriate experience in their use. if you're not very experienced in alpine environments, I'd advise against going alone, conditions can get tricky. 80 people have died on Mt Taranaki, the vast majority in winter on the upper part of the mountain. There can be avalanche danger, check the avalanche warning levels before going, the levels can change from day to day... https://www.avalanche.net.nz/region/ you can get very hard ice, if you slip on that and cant self arrest quickly, you face a very long rapid descent that has resulted in major injury or death. It's a very exposed, subject to rapid and very severe weather changes. high winds are common. main route from the north side https://www.doc.govt.nz/globalassets/documents/parks-and-recreation/tracks-and-walks/wanganui/mt-taranaki-summit-route-factsheet.pdf also from the south east via fanthams peak but subhect to more icy conditions from the south any other routes are for experienced climbers
You start sliding on that mountain there isnt much terrain that will stop you. Coroners reports have quoted falls of 300+ meters
Plenty of time to watch a re play of your life on the way down then...
Thumbs up
Oosh yeah she was steep, featureless and icy.

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by M400-1
On 9 May 2020
Replies 4
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