A common sense approach to gear weight

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVuJoZfMXi0 "Dan Becker In this video I discuss ultralight backpacking, ultralight gear, and lightweight gear and why I decided not to care as much about any of the weight any longer when I backpack" Found this on YouTube, and thought it was worth sharing. Cheers, Moh. -------------------------------
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At the end of the day if we are doing what we enjoy in the manner that is safe and enjoyable to us then we are all doing it right. Even if we are doing it differently. The main reason I dont have ultralight gear is cost. Im willing to take a small weight penalty in exchange for a little money left in my wallet. even then as Ive upgraded stuff it has always been lighter and stronger so one day I will have a sub1kg pack etc
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Forum Gear talk
Started by Moh_Oz
On 26 May 2019
Replies 60
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