Where to buy heat treated salami

I would like to take a salami stick with me to put on crackers etc... I can easily find the normal salami that needs to be kept refrigerated but does anyone know where to find some heat treated salami so I can take it tramping without it going rotten? I am currently in the Kapiti region and have looked at most of the local supermarkets but cant find any
Usually salami meat is a type of meat that can stay for days without refrigeration. I keep them in a mini plastic container (so my backpack doesn't get any smell from it)and I had salami that after 4 days (with an external temperature of 14/17 degrees)last perfectly fine. The type of salami that I carry with me is something like this. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://honest-food.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/fennel-salami-recipe-600-px.jpg&imgrefurl=https://honest-food.net/fennel-salami/&h=697&w=600&tbnid=SWA1KWDPi1-W2M:&q=salami&tbnh=186&tbnw=160&usg=AI4_-kQtboUQZ2VPoKvArFhHbU05HztXMw&vet=12ahUKEwjcvZ2Z7ZPfAhWJvo8KHRCHAbkQ_B0wGnoECAUQBg..i&docid=2YDOb3HihDvjNM&itg=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjcvZ2Z7ZPfAhWJvo8KHRCHAbkQ_B0wGnoECAUQBg
Usually salami meat is a type of meat that can stay for days without refrigeration. I keep them in a mini plastic container (so my backpack doesn't get any smell from it)and I had salami that after 4 days (with an external temperature of 14/17 degrees)last perfectly fine. The type of salami that I carry with me is something like this. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://honest-food.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/fennel-salami-recipe-600-px.jpg&imgrefurl=https://honest-food.net/fennel-salami/&h=697&w=600&tbnid=SWA1KWDPi1-W2M:&q=salami&tbnh=186&tbnw=160&usg=AI4_-kQtboUQZ2VPoKvArFhHbU05HztXMw&vet=12ahUKEwjcvZ2Z7ZPfAhWJvo8KHRCHAbkQ_B0wGnoECAUQBg..i&docid=2YDOb3HihDvjNM&itg=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjcvZ2Z7ZPfAhWJvo8KHRCHAbkQ_B0wGnoECAUQBg
Yeah, I take sticks of Verkerks salami with me, I usually eat them faster than they go off (around a week).
Try specialist delicatessens. I know OnTrays in Petone do it but there are bound to be others
I take salami with me every tramp. Usually verkerks from pakky it's lasts easily for a few days
When I got back into tramping I got caught out badly with salami. Just grabbed one from the supermarket through it in the pack Thursday night then Saturday lunch time opened it and decided very quickly not to eat it. The nose knew it wasnt edible instantly. Always checked the packet now for either heat treated or if there isnt any bought the most dried out wrinkled salami they have. These go a bit greasy after a few days but still consumable
Verkerk's peppered Hungarian and Chorizo salamis are traditionally aged, dense, high-fat salamis that I've taken on week long trips with no problem. That's a simple solution in that they're available at the big box stores (Countdown, New World, Pak'n'Save). The other, non-traditionally aged salamis will go off in a few days.
Another quick comment: fatty salamis are great to fry up and get the greasy goodness to fry up bread or anything else requiring oil/grease. Mmm, now that's a good backcountry gut bomb!
I endorse Verkerk's. I have the fennel one (no garlic). I will take unused salami out again the next weekend - no problems. It lasts opened for weeks in the fridge too for repeated weekend trips.
1 deleted post from stanmore

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