Whanganui Jouney - Drop-Off/Pick-Up Service?

We're looking to do this "Great Walk" early next year. Does anyone know of a good service that could collect us from the airport in Taupo or Hamilton, drop us at the launch point and then collect us at the end and take us back to the airport? Thanks!
whoever you hire the canoes from at taumaranui will drop you at the launch point
Thanks. So maybe we need to break this into two bits. If I understand correctly, the canoe hire outfit will typically drop us at the launch point and then bring us back to their base at or near Taumaranui at the end of the trip. Right? The other bit would be getting from and back to the airport. We'll be two families with seven people and gear. If possible (and if cost effective), we'd like to avoid hiring a couple of cars which will just sit parked whilst we're on the river.
taumaranui canoe hire https://www.google.co.nz/search?num=50&newwindow=1&rlz=1C1CHBF_enNZ807NZ807&ei=h1SXW8LfLaCCk-4PpJ294Aw&q=taumaranui+canoe+hire&oq=taumaranui+canoe+hire&gs_l=psy-ab.3...3883.5671.0.5966.

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Bozeman
On 10 September 2018
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