Prescription antibiotics in first-aid

All, Last week I picked up a pretty serious infection that sent me into a fever. Prescription antibiotics sorted me out. It got me wondering. It would be a bit of a stuff up to be hit like that on a tramp, and my first-aid kit doesn't have have a really heavy-hitting antibiotic in it. I have an pain-killers, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial. All over-the-counter stuff. I've always been 'good' about finishing antibiotics as I try to do my bit in preventing the evolution of resistant bacteria. Nonetheless, I think I'd feel better if I have a few (6) in my kit. Thoughts.
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>i never said vitamin D was in the other hormones, vitamin D is needed to facilitate the production of other hormones, like a steel mould is used for making a plastic object… theres no steel in the moulded object, but steel is still needed. Sorry. I misinterpreted your first statement as implying that Vitamin D was a precursor for other hormone production. I will need to do some reading as I am not aware of any direct links between Vitamin D and other hormone production, with the obvious exception of parathyroid hormone which is regulated by serum calcium levels and so indirectly regulated by Vitamin D levels. Nonetheless, I think any mention of Vitamin D as a "master hormone" is not supported biochemically.
theres a lot or recent research that has shed light on wider functions of vitamin D, vitamin D being involved in calcium metabolism has been known for a while, but the rest of the research hasnt necessarily been taken up by the wider health professional industry. vitamin d is in some foods with animal fat, but with the rise of low fat diets , the amount of vitamin D people were getting in their diets has dropped a great deal, in addition to avoiding direct sunlight on the skin, sunscreen stops the production of vitamin D as well... you can get all your vitamin d needs from the sun except in winter early spring and late autumn, but the uvB rays that make it are filtered out in the early morning and late afternoon and the hours when you can get it are the hours where the skin experts tell you to cover up at all times... the further south you are the less vitamin D you get especially outside of summer. at the moment you'd need about 8 or more hours in the sun a week around the middle of he day to get your vitamin d requirements in the north of the north island and more the further south you go... there is an app called DMINDER which calculates how much vitamin D you can get from the sun based on your location and time of day... and how much skin you have exposed BUT i found it doesnt predict how much vitamin D there is in your body that accurately, I had a blood test which showed i had 50% more vitamin D in my body than the app predicted... but it will give you an idea of how much vitamin d you can get from the sun and it will warn you when you are going to burn, you can select your skin type. but also just buyer beware... use it with discretion dont automatically treat it like the gospel, use common sense in the sun and don't burn because you're trying to get your vitamin D dose from the sun.
Back to the topic of that Japanese fraudster, Sato. Even worse he produced false data on other substances which his research showed had a protective effect with downstream citations in meta-analyses perpetuating his fraud: "Meta-analyses which found drugs called bisphosphonates to be highly effective in preventing hip fractures in elderly patients with stroke or Parkinson's, is based entirely on eight trials from Sato, as he was the only one to study the issue. A key conclusion in another meta-analysis rests only on Sato's four studies on bone mineral density in Alzheimer's patients. Two other meta-analyses would probably come to different conclusions if Sato's trials were removed, Avenell says. One of those, a review showing that vitamin K helps prevent fractures, was the basis of 2011 Japanese guidelines that recommend the supplement for people at risk." So the bisphosphonates get shoved on to our osteoporotic elderly, including my partner Frank. Some of them get bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) and others are at risk of having their Barrett's Oesophagitis progressing to oesophageal cancer so having that diagnosis, Frank declined his Fosamax script. I've been hearing for years that Fosamax was rubbish at preventing fractures. A spindly little old nurse I worked with was on it and sustained a neck of femur and a humerolfracture before she retired. I saved my breath from informing her she was wasting her time taking that crap though as she "knew everything".
my understanding is fosamax, kills the bone... it can stop further osteoporosis but the bone can't repair itself from further damage either.
21–24 of 24

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