
Description NZTopo50 NZTM2000 NZGD2000 NZGD2000 WGS 84 WGS84 NZMS260 NZMG NZGD49 NZGD49
View on map by the river, not up in the bush! BP23 611538 E1561128, N5453789 41°3′58.4″ S, 172°32′14.4″ E -41.066222, 172.537333 -41.066222, 172.537333 S41°3.973′ E172°32.239′ M26 711155 E2471100, N6015500 41°4′4.6″ S, 172°32′13.9″ E -41.067945, 172.537196

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