May tramping on the Routeburn - avalanches?

  • Hello, I apologize if this topic has been tackled before. I searched the threads and didn't see anything. I am hoping to tramp the Routeburn May 11 - 13th. I am a very experienced hiker and have hiked out-of-season in places like the Canadian Rockies and Bolivia. My concern is about avalanche risk. I realize that weather is variable and unpredictable at best, but can I expect trail closings or substantial risk at this time? Is it common to carry crampons and an ice-axe in May? I have contacted the DOC and they basically regurgitate the Routeburn winter tramping guidelines at me. They did say that once the first big snow dump occurs, it's avalanche season, they just didn't know if that would occur in May, June, or July. Anyone with experience tramping Routeburn in May? or attempted to tramp in May, but couldn't because of an avalanche closure? Also, I'm looking at alternatives if the Routeburn is closed. I was thinking of heading to the Kepler, but I'm not sure if it would be much better at this time of year. Other options include heading up to the North Island for the Tongariro Circuit. I have contacted transport companies and have found a company willing to transport to and from the Routeburn Shelter and the Divide on the dates mentioned. Although they also gave me a stout warning on hiking the Routeburn during this time of year. Any suggestions, info, etc would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  • The way things work here is that winter is the off-season for the Routeburn and essentially the track ceases to be a Great Walk and becomes like any other part of the National Park. It will not be closed because free access to out National Parks is gauranteed by the National Parks Act. This is different from North America or other places you might be familiar with. This means, of course, that it is up to your own judgement and safety is your own concern. I have been on the Routeburn in winter many years ago. I think the area that is most prone to avalanche is the bluffs above Lake Harris, just on the Routeburn side of the Harris Saddle. The track sidles through the bluffs. In winter, if Lake Harris is frozen over, then this is easily avoided by walking across the lake. This is what we did when we were there. There may be some avalanche risk onthe traverse across the Hollyford face but i don't imagine that is great. If you have a lot of mountain experience I would say go for it, but use your head and don't hesitate to turn back if it looks too risky. Also be aware that NZ has a maritime climate which can be a little different to continental climates. Weather can change very quickly so take heed of weather forecasts and prepare for the worst conditions.
  • i reckon do the Tongariro. more people around during that time. so more fun when it all goes to pot. Weather down in the South Is can be full-on by May. North Is is much more pleasant.
  • We did the Routeburn a couple of years ago in May and had a great trip. Some rain but that is all. I guess it just depends on the weather.I really rate it though. As good as the Milford and better than Tongariro which we did last weekend
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by spencewine
On 12 April 2011
Replies 3
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