Youngman Stream Hut

  • Years ago I did this tramp in the upper Ashley river. I walked up the river turned L at Tent gulley went up to Tarn Hut, stayed the night and then descended to Youngman stream hut. I then walked down the river out. It all seemed so easy. Recently a friend was looking for a reasonable tramp for him and his grandson so I suggested the walk up to Youngman Stream hut. We missed the turnoff from the river and carried on up through the gorge. We eventually turned back and camped on some flats. The next day we retraced our steps and found the main track and the Tent gulley turn off. The track then climbed high above the Ashley river en route to YS Hut. Running out of time we had to abandon. My question is have they rerouted the track up to YS hut as I cant remember climbing so high on the way back
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by risdonro
On 23 January 2011
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