i look for a tramping partner from now till mar

  • hi, im daniel 29 from germany at the moment im at gisborne and i go in 10 days to rotorua and taupo after this taranaki, 90 mile beach, south island till mar ...i have a car(and everything i need for camping) and loock for somebody to join me just for traveling or to do together some great walks...i have some exp in tramping... regards daniel
  • Hi Daniel I'm a Canadian travelling in NZ and will be in Turangi on this coming Thursday (11/11) evening. I'm planning to do the Tongariro Northern Circuit probably starting on Saturday (13/11). I haven't yet booked any huts or campsites on the track though. Prior to Turangi, I will be tramping from Tues to Thurs. Let me know if you are interested. I also have all my own tramping equipment. - chris
  • Hi guys, Daniel did you say you are going to be on the South Island until March? I'm Evan 26 from the US and I'll be looking for tramping buddies on the South Island starting December 15th. I'll be starting in Nelson and am looking to do tramping anywhere along the southern alps / west coast. Mt. Aspiring and some of the tracks there are high on my list. If either of you guys are going to be on the south island in the coming months let me know. I have some backpacking / tramping experience and all gear. - Evan
  • Gude ich hoffe du verzeihst deutsch aber das geht schneller Ich bin 21 und bewander und bekletter die suedinsel fuer ein Jahr bin grade 2 Monate hier. Geb dir ma meine Nummer falls du interesse hast meldse dich. Ich mag trekking aber auch klettern und mit einfachem bergsteigen wuerd ich auch gern anfangen. 0220752262
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by lemonbutterfly
On 2 November 2010
Replies 3
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