• Anyone interested in doing the Mid Tararua Crossing this summer from Otaki Forks to Holdsworth via Anderson and Mid Waiohine? Would require vehicle. I'm 70, fit, male, good company. Based in the Wairarapa.
  • Hi David,im keen.I have a car and have done heaps in the Tararuas,have a few friends who might be interested too. Cheers John
  • Hi John. That's great. I'm available pretty much any time. We're doing the once-in-a-lifetime Milford in early February, and I'm away later in that month. It might be a good idea to avoid school holidays, too. Later this month or early November might work. Subject as always to weather, of course. Can't see the point in suffering a howling gale on the tops for no good reason. Where are you based?
  • You should probably plan for a howling gale at some stage the Tararuas we all know and love has a tendancy to produce three seasons an hour most days.
  • Im based in Upper Hutt.Yeah i know the Tararua weather well, been forced off a few ridges or just turned back.Maybe end of November might be good as i am going to NW Nelson for a week at the end of this month.Cant do much about the weather,but we'll see what happens
  • End of November could be a wee bit tricky. I'm weekending in Auckland from 26th to 29th and I'm tied up the previous weekend. Could do Monday to Thursday, though, any time, which I'd in fact prefer. I'm doing a three-night, four-day tramp starting Monday of next week - Holdsworth, Totara Flats, Maungahuka, Mid Waiohine and Holdsworth. You'd be very welcome to come if you're available. Weather looks fantastic. Otherwise, maybe we could get together for a day walk soon after that to sort out all the details.
  • Hi David,going midweek is pretty much out at the moment as work is really busy.Im taking 4 days off at the end of this month to go to Kahurangi NP and until Xmas thats about it.Ive got a couple weeks off around Xmas/new years that would work for me[im going to the Ruahines as well around then]or the middle of Jan?Contact me offline and we'll sort something out ,i have some friends who would be interested too.
  • Hi John Christmas/New Year would be fine. Might be a wee bit easier with transport, too. Let me know your number and I'll give you a call when I get back from next week's tramp.
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by davidm
On 1 October 2010
Replies 7
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