Emergency calls via cell phone

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  • you're being stupid, its not the lighter, it is the fire/flare/
  • @BerenddeBoer The phone GPS doesn't work half the time it must be an antenna thing.
    This post has been edited by the author on 12 October 2016 at 16:32.
  • @madpom, I'm just impressed you were able to get info on smartphone GPS hardware at all. I haven't searched for a while, but last time I looked it didn't seem to be a high priority for anyone to specify it. Smartphone users (as a market) seem more generally interested in getting locations than specifically receiving GPS signals. In many circumstances, especially indoors and in built up environments, there are often more efficient and reliable ways of getting locations that are "good enough" for most uses. eg. By tracking nearby wireless networks and downloading relative location info for them. GPS keeps the device capable of tracking its location when it's further from civilisation, but I'm not too surprised if smartphone providers don't always focus entirely on GPS hardware reliability, or making a big deal of advertising exact specifications or meeting any standard benchmarks.
    This post has been edited by the author on 12 October 2016 at 17:59.
  • Yes! OK it is old tech, but I have had a Samsung Note II for quite a while. I don't know the tech specs of it but I do know from comparative tests I have run it will give me a good GPS position in places where my Garmin 60 CSX shows it cannot lock to any satellite. The Samsung in these circumstances I have found always finds at least 3 or more Sat's. Plus combined wit the App Viewranger, the larger screen and it becomes far more versatile than the Garmin and less weight. If used in airplane mode and only switched on as required battery life is better.
  • the technology in a garmin Garmin 60 CSX is several years older than in a galaxy note 2.... newer dedicated GPS devices perform a lot better for satellite aquisition, including from under bush canopy
  • Your phone will usually let you know if you are in a position to make an emergency call. It even says, "Emergency call only". Even dedicated GPS isn't infallible. My Garmin the other day lost reception and asked me if I was inside. It was snowing. I was outside amongst it. I often have the latest and greatest stuff (don't own much, but what I do is good), but I still maintain nothing beats a map and compass, and even more than that, a calmness under pressure combined with the ability to assess a situation and act accordingly. I truly believe that this is the reason I *COULD* have died on many occasions, but didn't. Madpom's ability to analyse and act accordingly undoubtedly saved his life when faced with his ordeal. Maybe it's just those of us who have come unstuck before, I don't know. But I expect the unexpected. (Maybe because it happens relatively frequently to me, I'm not sure). And being prepared for the impact of variables significantly increases the chance of survival. To me, the question is not whether a phone can be picked up. The real question is: Can your mind deal with adversity until help does arrive, whenever that may be? Can YOU give yourself the very best chance of survival? In today's society we invariably look outward for salvation. And whilst our emergency services are up there with the very best in the world, they themselves will tell you that the best chance of survival comes from the actions you yourself take. The Scouting motto of "Be Prepared" is less about having technology and it working when you want, how you want, and much more about being mentally prepared to remain calm and analytical in seemingly insurmountable circumstances. In any circumstance, use the tools at your disposal; the most useful being your brain. :)
    This post has been edited by the author on 14 October 2016 at 12:18.
  • Well cellphones certainly good, but they are not 100% reliable as we all know. There was some lost hunters here in the kaimais who were rescued last year after making a 111 call, so there has been some good success stories. Anyway, golden rule is to carry something to get a fire going. Helicopter crews have IR heat sensing equipment, and smoke will make it visible in the day.
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Forum The campfire
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On 4 October 2016
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