Starvation Trips

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  • "That's big country on an empty stomach!" Yeah, pity we didn't see too much of it in the conditions! I think the third picture is from the top of Golden Hinde looking south, our route was along that ridge line to the left of the two lakes, down to the saddle on the closer side of the closer lake, up onto the ridge on the right then towards the camera, sidling around the flank of Golden Hinde on the camera right then continuing north on similar ridge / lake pass country till we got to a valley that took us down to the Gold River road.
    This post has been edited by the author on 17 July 2016 at 19:47.
  • Did an army ex where we were out for 72 hours (up from around 5.30am and started the ex around 2am the next morning; finished around 2am three days later). Had one meal when we were given some live chickens and some potatoes, and 7 hours sleep, during the ex. By the end I recall that desperation for sleep vastly outweighed the hunger. I suspect we weren't functioning nearly as well as we thought we were; we were all in the same condition so I don't think anyone was quite aware how physically and cognitively impaired we were! It would be interesting to see video footage of some of the later tasks we performed, but this was well before smartphones :-)
  • I've never run out of food but did a week on half-rations after a couple of navigation errors that prolonged a leg from 7 days to 10 days. It was amazing how quickly my stomach shrank. I lost a bit of weight but made up for it by performing stunts such as absentmindedly eating an entire instant cheesecake instead of sharing it. I would struggle to eat more than a sixth these days. I always used to carry emergency dehi but stopped a long time ago as we never needed to use it. I think I'm generous enough with the food I carry to tide me over till I reach the car. I've seldom been delayed out as these days the weather forecasts are so accurate so I tailor the trip to the conditions and forecasts which avoids epic delays. Between this and the PLB/cell phones things have changed somewhat.
  • I've got an extra dehy meal and two OSM bars buried down the bottom of my pack for emergencies. Haven't needed them yet as I tend to carry a decent amount of food anyway.
  • "I've got an extra dehy meal and two OSM bars buried down the bottom of my pack............" Not sure if anyone has noticed (or are that worried), but OSM bars seem to have a very short shelf life. When I see them in the supermarket, their BB date is no more than a few months away.
  • ^Haven't taken any notice. I ate a very old one I found in the gear cupboard recently and didn't die :-)
  • @Scottie, I noticed the same about OSM but that's a good thing for people who can't stomach highly processed foods full of preservatives. It says on the packet you can "freeze until use", if that's of any help...
  • you can still eat food after a best before date, its a suggested date to consume it for best freshness. i've eaten canned food decades old without problems. a use by date is more of a deadline where you shouldnt eat the food after the use by date.
  • @JETNZ, "It says on the packet you can "freeze until use", if that's of any help..." Thanks for that @JETNZ, I hadn't seen, or even thought of that.
  • Anything with whole nuts and grains can end up tasting quite stale very quickly. Wont kill you but you might decide to eat it only when youve consumed everything else including the foil packet
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Forum The campfire
Started by Ian_H
On 17 July 2016
Replies 24
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