1920-1949 NZMS15 maps on mapspast

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  • Folks, The NZMS15 county map series is now available on http://mapspast.org.nz. The snapshot is taken at the end of 1949, showing the latest maps available at that date in this series, but the majority of the sheets actually date from the 1920s. Use the info icon and click on an area to see what date the sheet you're looking at was published. Probably of more general interest than tramping interest, this is never the less a fascinating snapshot in time. Highlights I've cone across include: King country 'confiscation boundaries' with references to the associated gazette notices under which the iwi land was confiscated. The Waitangi tribuneral findings on the trumped-up reasons and personal motivations behind the confiscations make interesting reading. http://mapspast.org.nz/?zoom=14&x=1758652&y=5603478&layerid=NZMS15%201949 The Napier 'inner harbour' ... pre-earthquake, I assume! http://mapspast.org.nz/?zoom=13&x=1932378&y=5626092&layerid=NZMS15%201949 The maps are dotted with land set aside for good causes such as 'Native reserves', 'Aclimatisation' and more mundane things like schools that never got built. This one is my favourite ... note the location: Maymorn Junction (Tararuas). Now that would be a cool spot to got to school! http://mapspast.org.nz/?zoom=14&x=1786383&y=5464361&layerid=NZMS15%201949 Next project is a snapshot of the NZMS13 maps at 1899. There may be room for an intermediate series between 1899 and 1949 but I'm losing energy for scanning maps for trig-points to geo-reference then, and tracing all those river-bed map extent boundaries to clip them, so maybe not Note: if you've viewed the nzms15 maps (south island) on the site before you may need to clear your browser cache to see the updated complete maps. Matt
    This post has been edited by the author on 8 June 2016 at 09:53.
  • That is some hobby you have picked up on Matt. Sounds more like it is a full time occupation. Make sure there is time for tramping in between.
  • 1 deleted message from madpom
  • The NZMS13 maps from the 1800s are now on the mapspast site too. The snapshot is taken of the latest maps for each area as of the end of 1899, but some maps are as early as the 1860s. There are many sheets that were published prior to 1900 that I have not managed to track down ... the layer will be updated if any more digital copies come to light. Again: more historical interest than tramping once we get back this far ... so apologies for off-topic posting. That's all for mapspast updates for the near future ... I'll sometime try and fill in the gap between the 1899 and 1949 layer, probably with a 1920s snapshot of the completed NZMS13 map series. I've also been looking through the 1800s town plans (NZMS16) maps, which are fascinating .... mainly due to how few survived on the ground. So many maps, so little time ...
  • That is truly awesome Madpom. You love maps the way i do, but have a good deal more energy!
  • I'm loving the site too mad pom. Was nice seeing that in the 1940s my house was the only one in the area.
  • I've just published the 1929 snapshot of nzms13 maps on mapspast. I stumbled on many new favourite features whilst processing the 490 maps that make up this series, but surely a haunted whare has to take the prize: http://mapspast.org.nz/?zoom=14&x=1818207&y=5661080&layerid=NZMS13%201929 A reserve for a future school on the ridgeline between Waitewaewae and Oriwa peaks (Tararuas): http://mapspast.org.nz/?zoom=14&x=1797426&y=5486400&layerid=NZMS13%201929 The Wangapeka Track taking a very different route avoiding the Little Wanganui Saddle completely, sidling round Mt Zetland to Kiwi Saddle: http://mapspast.org.nz/?zoom=14&x=1538819&y=5418331&layerid=NZMS13%201929
    This post has been edited by the author on 19 October 2017 at 21:18.
  • I enjoy the old maps too! Re the old route of the Wangapeka track under Mt Zetland. JH & I came across what must have been it at the Kiwi Saddle end some years back and followed it for a bit. We also followed the track that is shown to Mt Radiant as far as to where we could get good views then back tracked. There were once mining operations on the side of Mt Zetland so that may have been the reason the Wangapeka track was routed that way? A mate who formerly worked for the NZFS in this area about 50 years ago has told me about old hut sites and mine adits he came across on Mt Zetland.
  • @madpom I used to use the King Country cadastral maps when surveys new tacks in the Waiotorara and matemateonga forests in the late 1960s. They have the old 'roads' that were surveyed on them, did lot of searching thru the bush looking for some. quite a few had actually been formed as dray tracks. that's how the Matemateonga walkway began. it was overgrown with kamahi etc, all the old camp and house sites were also. Just chinmies remained. had to chainsaw the whole route thru to the whanganui river
    This post has been edited by the author on 23 October 2017 at 20:26.
  • As in Omaru Hut, Pouri Hut, etc? That's a long track through a lot of bush. Sounds like a lot of chainsawing! Not walked it yet ... it's one of two NI trips high 'on the list' though.
  • @madpom: loving the mapspast site especially for the location of old tracks and huts and when they appeared on the maps. Very grateful for this resource you have placed in our hands.
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Forum The campfire
Started by madpom
On 8 June 2016
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