trampin around xmas and new years someone?

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  • Hi all I am a 33 year old male living in Auckland. I want to do some bigger tramps on the north or south island. I well equiped, fit and keen on the outdoors. Want to possibly join or got some good surgestions what to do, drop me a line. Cheers Kai
  • me again. I thionk I narrowed it down to either Nelson lakes or Kaimai Forest for xmas this year. Anyone else going to be there at that time or needs or wants company? Cheers kai
  • Im doing some big solo stuff in Fiordland and Mt Aspiring NPs in the new year if you are interested in coming further South then Nelson.
  • What trips are you looking at Yarmoss and what months??
  • Trip 1 starting Dec 29th I go up the Routeburn, over Emily Pass, down the Deadmans to the Hollyford floor, up Moraine Creek, over Barrier Knob and down the Gerturde. If theres time maybe go up Falls Creek. Trip 2 starting Jan 7th I go to Rodgers Inlet at Lake Monowai, over Mt Cuthbert (I think its called) to Green Lake, Monowai Hut, down the Grebe, up the Florance to the 3 lakes, over Tamatea Peak to Lake Roe, along the tops to Lake St Patrick, over the tops to Mt Memphis, down the Dusky to Manapori. Trip 3 starting Jan 23rd I'll be redoing the Gillespie Pass circuit with a sidetrip to Lake Young, up the Wilkin, up the Wonderland, over the tops to Castalia, down to Top Forks, over Rabbit Pass to the East Matukituki (what I didnt get to do last time due to rain), Sisyphus ridge, Aspiring hut, Liverpool hut, head of West Matukituki, back to Aspiring and out. Like I said, im doing it solo but anyone whos keen is welcome to come along.
  • hey Yarmoss, that sounds realy great. I just cant stay away from work that long, so I will start before the xamsdays and be back first week of Jan. Transport to the southisland is getting to expensiv to take a car now so only possibility is to fly in and then go for it. how can I get to nelson lakes cheaply?
  • I hear Nelson Lakes Shuttles are pretty handy for transporting trampers around ....
  • Yeah, Ive begged, borrowed and stolen 6 weeks holiday for my tramping shinanigans this summer. Ive heared the Nelson lakes tracks are really pretty. You'll have a good trip there!
  • Yes I can vouch for the Travers-Sabine circuit at Nelson Lakes. Beautiful.
  • note that lake angelus hut is being removed 1 st week dec and wont be back until march i have done traves sabine it is agood tramp it will be busy at xmas take a tent there is heaps of excellent camping spots
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by flint
On 1 November 2009
Replies 17
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