• I'm a 68 going on 69 year-old very fit male looking for an experienced person to join me and possibly my tramping buddy on our first Southern Crossing this summer, with a longer term objective of doing the Tararuas ridge from Shannon to Kaitoke. The SX would be a double crossing from the Wairarapa side since we live in Greytown, going up Bull Mound to Alpha and Kime and back.
  • We are 60 & 54 years young moderate fit trampers from Auckland Tramping Club. We are also very keen in doing TARARUAS SOUTHERN CROSSING and Mt Holdsworth Loop but couldn't wait until summer. We would like to do this in mid September. Is it possible for you to tramp with us the 2nd or 3rd week of September? we are going to bring down our car and do the Otaki Forks - Field - Kime - Alpha - Renata - Waiotauru - back to Otaki Forks. Then we will bring our vehicle to Masterton side for doing Mt Holdsworth Loop. Your SX not necessary a double crossing if we can swap our car keys in the middle. My idea is you guys start from the Wairarapa side going up Bull Mound to Alpha and Kime while we walk in from Otaki Forks and out to Greytown. How about my proposal? And your longer term plan of doing the Tararuas ridge from Shannon to Kaitoke sounds good for us as well, just need well arranged transport. We are happy to come back next year probably Feb or March. Lucky77
  • Hi there Lucky 77. Thanks for the reply. Interesting ideas! I'll talk to my tramping buddy about the SX proposal and get back to you within the next day or so. I'd be happy to do the Holdsworth Loop with you if I'm around at the time and the weather's good. It's not much fun up there if a huge northerly's blowing or the visibility's zero. We usually do it in a day in fine weather, going up to Jumbo for morning tea, across to Powell for lunch and back in the afternoon, but if you wanted to take longer, we could do part of it with you, with a view to arranging the Tararua ridge traverse for Feb/March. Cheers David
  • Hi there again, Lucky 77. I've realised that your SX proposal won't really help us. (A) We wouldn't be tramping with you on the SX but in the opposite direction. (B) We'd end up at Otaki Forks and have to drive all the way round, back to Greytown (or wait for you to come back to Otaki Forks, or meet half-way, or something)which we're trying to avoid by doing the double crossing. If you're going to be doing the Holdsworth Loop anyway, why not just base yourselves in Masterton (or better still Greytown)and do the double crossing with us? I should point out that because the weather on the tops can be very treacherous, we'd be looking for 3-4 days of calm, sunny weather, which is more unlikely in September than later in the year, although you never can tell. So I couldn't guarantee that we'd join you. Cheers David
  • Hi David, We do agree with you that in foul weather there is no point going up 1,500 metres top. Our next suitable time will be 1st week of November. Is that good for you as well? Well We can bring our vehicle to meet you at Greytown, do the SX with you but we prefer a loop rather than a return trip. Is it possible to include the part of Holdsworth-Powell? If not, we can make it a day walk as you recommend. We have done part of the Tararua walk either sides but haven't done the crossing. Would be appreciated to have your company in your area if possible. Look forward to getting back from you soon. Lucky77
  • Yes, first week of November sounds good. For the return trip you have two options. We would actually stay the first night at Alpha and the second night at Field Hut, not Kime. The next day you could go via Penn Creek Hut and Maungahuka Hut and Neill Forks Hut to the Cone Ridge and from there to Totara Flats Hut and on to Powell and Jumbo. Alternatively you could retrace your steps (with us) to Cone Hut and then up the Kaitoke Holdsworth Track to Sayers and Totara Flats Hut. From there you'd climb up to Powell and over the top to Jumbo. We actually prefer to do the Loop the other way round since the descent from Jumbo is a b****r, while from Powell it's easy, but we could talk about that. If you did either of the loops we'd probably arrange to meet you again at Powell, which has good cellphone coverage. Looking good. You can reach me direct at [Email address removed]. Cheers for now David
  • Hi David, Good advice, either option sounds good for us. Just one enquiry, why you guys aren't return via Penn Creek, Maungahuka, Neill Forks, Totara Flats back? Or via Neill Ridge at Mt Hector, Cone Saddle back? If this route be chosen, then we would join you all the way for double SX and make Jumbo-Powell the other day trip. How is the idea? You can write me to ronald-chen at xtra dot co dot nz. Lucky77 PS: Tararua Tramping Club is going to do Holdsworth-Jumbo on 2 Sept, Moonlight SX 4~6 Sept, Holdsworth-Totara 12~3 Sept, Waiohine-Totara Flats-Cone Saddle on 16 Sept. Please browse their web.
  • Hi David, We had been to Field hut and Kime hut last week due to fault weather we came down the same way. Penn Creek valley track was advised not to use. Then we do Powell Hut, Mt Holdswaorth, Jumbo hut in a day then down to Whakitau valley out. Some went to Mitre Flat for extra 2 days. So we couldn't help in your tramp. Sorry. Wish you all the best!
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by davidm
On 17 August 2009
Replies 7
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