Tramper fatality prompts review

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  • maybe they walked onto the track, otherwise someones running and out of season boat ferry.. unlikely they took it but theres also the boat plane at te anau...
  • @Honora the track was off season, its not a great walk, you don't book and can walk any way, stay more than one night etc..
  • What @Damon said. There's no reason why DOC should know specifics of people walking the track out of season, but maybe there's at least an okay argument that someone should know, considering the types of people who sometimes do, but then what should someone be expected to do even if they know? I guess the concessionaire argument for a ferry operator is a similar situation to what happens on the Tongariro Crossing, but I think there are limits on what you can expect an operator to be capable of and responsible for. The whole implication from the article (like in the headline and opening paragraph) that people in either of the two incidents were trying to avoid hut fees seems very rich and without clear justification. I know people sometimes do this, but the main result of the article seems to have been to fire up lots of readers into accusing these individuals of doing exactly that, and then basically saying Yessica deserved to die as a Darwin award candidate. Where's the evidence for that kind of accusation? I bet it's generated lots of page-loads and advertising revenue for Stuff to keep that conversation going, though.
    This post has been edited by the author on 23 June 2014 at 17:45.
  • the knowledge of the people commenting on the stuff article is extremely variable. most of the comments are irrelevant...
  • 1 deleted message from matthew
  • For what it's worth if it helps to inform any of the discussion on the original incident, the now-available Google Streetview rendition of the approach to Pompolona Creek, not in flood conditions of course, can be found at
    This post has been edited by the author on 10 November 2015 at 13:08.
  • this is the poled crossing point.,167.7975331,3a,75y,231.91h,96.95t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sK6rfhmZehsbFxL5mitxaGA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
    This post has been edited by the author on 10 November 2015 at 15:19.
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Forum The campfire
Started by Scottie
On 5 June 2014
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