Tramper fatality prompts review

  • "The river where Asmin was washed away was never bridged but the other bridges taken out made the track slower and more dangerous when there was heavy rain, Carrie said." So the side creek is never bridged but DoC and everyone else keep banging on about bridges being removed when the fact is this side creek can be a danger anytime of the year in heavy rain and DoC want to play down this fact by going on about the red herring of bridges. It's working...they don't want people to get the idea that this is potentially a very risky great walk to do in season. A bit like in the Jaws movie, methinks.
  • he claims the stream wasnt bridged,,, if the water level was up, how would you know for sure unless you had been there before and had a good memory... once you remove those bridges, they have small, low profile foundations easily covered by elevated water levels or shifting stream beds....
  • Is this the type of side creek which DOC brings in helicopters to fly people over when in-season, if it's been raining too much? I'm fine with the seal signage. It's practically downtown New Plymouth around there. There are heaps of people around (locals and first time visitors with completely different things on their mind) who wouldn't even think to consider that seals are wild territorial animals which can kill people, or would even think to look for them if not prompted.
  • Recently we did some tramping near the SW corner of Australia, below Perth. We couldn't believe the number of warning signs, often erected slap bang in front of the view or interesting features. They were all identical except for the word saying what the warning was about. It was so ridiculous it became a standard joke with us, especially as there were NONE warning us of snakes - which totally freaked us out, at times, when we nearly trod on them! Lets hope some idiot in DOC head office doesn't think this would be a good idea in NZ.
  • NONE warning us of snakes - which totally freaked us out, at times, when we nearly trod on them! Lets hope some idiot in DOC head office doesn't think this would be a good idea in NZ. I hope doc doesnt put up warning signs about snakes as well but wouldnt put it past them. (hope they dont import snakes as well)
  • procede with extreme caution when fording New Zealand rivers as you may be attacked by frenzied man eating eels. I absoutely hate DOC signs. Especially in NZFS huts. Or in historic huts like Iron Whare
  • A woman (I think it was Anita) staying in Griffin Creek Hut changed the Danger and Warning signs in the hut to Welcome and put a positive message in there about the lovely safe drinking water.
  • The standard DOC water warning doesn't make much sense, anyway, at least with the word "warning" in front of it. Broken down it basically says "WARNING: The water is virtually always safe to drink, but if you're the type of person who wants to treat it anyway, you have our permission."
  • P.C. O.S.H. eyesores. How stupid have we become. Laying in two man dog boxes staring at fire exit signs???
  • Yep. but when they come up with their next new warning sign and want to pay someone to put a copy in every hut in nz, I could probably swallow my pride and put my hand up for the job!
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Forum The campfire
Started by Scottie
On 5 June 2014
Replies 55
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