Tramper fatality prompts review

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  • so in future will this take us down the road of , it's DOC's faulty because they didnt put the information out? the onus is on them to give all relevant information around safety , and will it affect all tracks?
  • 1 deleted message from izogi
  • Does anyone know Steve Carrie of Taranaki, who was at the scene, and with the Southland Times quoting him for safety advice and recommendations?
  • I walked out from Mt Cook/Plateau Hut down the Ball Glacier back in Dec 1990 with a safety rigger from Taranaki called Steve Cammy, who would be in the 32yrs experience age bracket. My diary says"Steve" and "Cammy" but that could have been his nick name. Could be the same guy but who knows? What he says is essentially true but I still have trouble with this concept that DOC should nanny people, and I am not a DOC fan. The more we ask them to support the lowest common denominator the more they will try and regulate everyone. It really is a very sad accident but nobody forced them to cross the stream. It was their call. Before we know it everyone will be blaming Maritime NZ when 2 men in a dingy drown because they didn't read the weather forecast correctly Sorry to sound harsh but let's be honest these folk were out of their depth. So for my money the emphasis needs to be on the last points in the article, especially the last one! "-Trampers to take mountain radios or personal locator beacons. -Trampers to improve their knowledge of river crossings, have the right equipment for a tramp in all conditions and know the limitations and abilities of each member of the group. -Trampers to be prepared to turn back when risks increase."
  • And at the risk of rubbing salt in his wound Sean is more responsible than DOC. As is every leader in a tramping party.
  • Based on the linked article, I'm curious if someone from DOC actually told anyone that bridges were installed when they weren't. Steve's stated that he'd rung DOC earlier and the week and was told the bridges were still in place, but of course that doesn't mean he asked or was told anything about the state of bridges for the time he planned to be there. Even so, bridges can be washed away. Huts can be destroyed. People can make innocent mistakes when giving advice. Many unexpected things can occur. People still need to be prepared for any advice from DOC or anyone to not always be fully reliable, and then be prepared to adapt accordingly.
  • DOC's response to walkway seal attack... However, warning symbols about seals will be put on entrance signs to the Coastal Walkway between Port Taranaki and the Wind Wand, and DOC will install temporary warning signs whenever a seal’s presence is a risk to public safety.
  • and soon we wont be able to see the scenery because of the signs warning us about it. The ultimate finally of all these signs would be a sign saying "caution nice view" Seals can be nasty to be around but its not often you accidentally sneak up on them. It can happen It happened to me as a 10 year old. Seal got an accidental boot in the chops from the heal of my gumboot because it could run faster than I could.
  • coming to every stream that crosses a track ,, a sign warning that stream crossing can be hazardous to your health, if not terminal....
  • Steve carrie contradicts himself first, DOC should provide a radio service then, its trampers who should provide radios also, the river this all happened at, was NEVER bridged. so unless the group cancelled, they would still have encountered this river, and make a decision about crossing its inevitable, that DOC will bring in more warnings etc. Hopefully limited to track information they publish, and not more signs on tracks a tramper slipped on the stream bank at Donnellys flats, and had to be "rescued" a while back. It is a spot where people access the river bed, in thru the bush from the track. about 10 metres walk. DOC responded for cordening off the "track" with tape
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Forum The campfire
Started by Scottie
On 5 June 2014
Replies 55
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