• I'm planning a trip next week requiring a crossing of the Tauherenikau and am trying to locate the swing bridge below Tutuwai. Some threads talk about it being close to Smith Creek Shelter, others near Tutuwai Hut. Can anyone enlighten me? Thanks David
  • The latest Topo map shows it as being just about Marchant Stream so I guess that answers my question. Since I'll be coming over from Wall Whare to Cone Hut I guess I'll attempt the river crossing at Cone. Anyone got any thoughts on that? Cheers David
  • Hi David, there is no bridge near Tutuwai anymore, there is one half an hour up from smith creek shelter . In normal river flows it is easy to cross the Tauherenikau most any where, I often walk the river from cone to smith creek, crossing dozens of times and in fact, on a hot day when it has been raining for a day or two, walking straight down the guts of the river is alot of fun . It is usually no moore than knee high on the straights and bum high at most on the bends, with usually very gentle flows . Obviously during a rainy spell this is a totally different situation . The Tauherenikau north of Tutuwai has some of the most idylic camping spots around, following the river and not the track is the best way to find them .
  • Sorry above should say when it hasn't been raining for a day or two . Is there no edit feature for posts?
  • Great, Gaiters, thanks for that. I'll keep a watch on river levels and give the crossing a go at Cone. Cheers David
  • I hear there is another slip on the track between Smith and Tutawai. Last time in there crossing a couple of the slips was quite exiting especially for a couple of new trampers with us. Even a hunters dog wasnt happy crossing one of them. They are fine if you dont mind swinging from tree roots. Even if you fell you would slide down the mud with a nice run out at the bottom so shouldnt get badly injured.
  • Cant quite see why you have to cross the Tauherenikau if you are coming in from Walls Whare , unless you plan on going to Bull Mound and or the Marchant Ridge /Alpha.From Cone Hut all travel is on the tr to Tutuwai Hut.
  • Amendment to my previous ......from Cone Hut to 22y hut travel is on the well formed track on the true left side of the river not tr
  • Just thought I'd let you guys know that I had a great trip crossing the T'kau at Cone and up Bull Mound to Alpha, then on to Maungahuka via Kime and back via Neill Forks and Totara Flat. Easy river crossing. There's a great website at http://www.gw.govt.nz/tauherenikau-river-at-gorge/ if ever anyone wants to check on river levels. Covers most of the major rivers in the Tararuas. Thanks for your help and suggestions.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by davidm
On 10 March 2012
Replies 8
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