Tararuas Traverse, Otaki - Upper Hutt

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  • My finger musy have hit the wrong key......just checked with a good source and they said "Colin did all peaks over 5000 ft.in 24 hrs"---settle down madpom. Colin also held the record for the Tararua Mountain race up until last year(?) new record is now 5hrs 20 odd mins.
  • Am new to this forum, have looked at it a fair bit, searching for info for trips. Colin did the SK the long way, down the Dundas - Main range - Alpha. The valley route is a lot quicker. he started a 3.00am. Putara to Arete was 4hrs,45mins I think. took about 23 hours and a bit. previous best was chap Goldsworthy, took him 25 hours, I think.
  • 1 deleted message from mantis
  • I think Colins biggest asset is his ability to run downhill. Even he was reduced to a walk on some of the uphill stretches in the Tararua race. Downhill running is a specialised skill that takes a lot of practice or perhaps it's the ability not to imagine the consequences of getting it wrong. When he was doing casual work for DOC (track cuting etc) I'm told that the biggest problem was that the gang would run out of food much quicker than when there were people with normal appetites
  • 15 minute down from Jumbo to Atiwhak on the Holds-Jumbo race
  • Thats scampering !Race now goes opposite way Atiwhakatu-Jumbo-Holdsworth .
  • I am really keen to give the PK a good crack. If weather is good I'll stick to the tops route, or if weather comes against me I'll dive into the valleys. Will carry sleeping bag, jacket, fleece, tshirt, food+water. Anyone keen to join me? I plan to do it one day between Jan 17th-21st 2012. Email me [Email address removed] if you want to come. Aiming to break 24hours.
  • The dates (weekdays) don't suit - so can't join you in that timeframe. Make sure to post your time though - will give me something to aim at!
  • Hi OP here. Just a breif note to say we completed the route in 7-8 days late Jan as follows: From the north naked bus to levin, arrives around 8pm. Levin: taxi from new world to poads road end, ($30). Bivied near .515 on Waiopehu track, 1 hr, grey Te Matawhai, 7 hrs, misty Dracophylum in stormy wx, 4 hrs Anderson Memorial, 5hrs, cloud Maungahuka, 5hrs, fine Kime, 5 hrs, fine Alpha is very stormy wx, 4 hrs Marchant road end, 6 hrs, rain Taxi to Upper Hutt train station ($45), arranged from farmhouse on marchant rd. Train to wellington ($18 every 15mins) Obviously our times are much slower than the speedy folk, but represent a more average mixed party time and when carrying a weeks food and gear. We were lucky to hit the southerly which gave us 3 good days in the middle, but it changed very quickly to 100km winds and drizzle on the friday from kime to alpha, which is very exposed and we were very glad to be off that ridge i can tell you. About half the leg was in crab position, and crawlling for about 5%. Also note that Nichols has had a facelift and looks like a nice spot now too. Anderson is very much a congestion point as its the mid way on the peaks circuit, we had 10 in a 6 bunk hut that night. Maungahuka was our highlight with stunning sunset and sunrise and clouds in the valleys below. Thanks for the trip tips guys, we enjoyed the route alot.
  • 6 hours Alpha Hut to Kaitoke is a very fast time......you woudnt be hanging round picking your nose!
  • 1 deleted message from jamesstar
  • Please advise me upon my recent multi-day tramp in Tararua in December. I am an experienced solo tramper. My plan: D0: Auckland to Levin. By Intercity bus. D1: Gladstone road, Poad road, Waiopehu Hut, Te Matawai Hut(18), walk 8 hrs. D2: Northern Crossing- Arête Hut, Arête Forks Hut, Crow Creek Hut(6), walk 8 hrs. D3: Mitre Flats Hut, Tarn Ridge Hut(16), walk 9 hrs. D4: Arete Hut, Dracophyllum Hut(2), walk 8 hrs. D5: Te Araroa Walk- Nichols Hut, Wairewaewae Hut(16), walk 8 hrs. D6: Parawai Lodge, waiotauru Hut(18), walk 9 hrs. D7: Renata Hut, Elder Biv, Alpha Hut(18), walk 10 hrs. D8: Southern Crossing- out to Marchant Road carpark, walk 8 hrs. Out hutt Valley to Wellinton. D9: Back to Auckland. Walk 8 days, 140km, claim 15 huts en route. Highest point 1,546m at Girdlestone. This is all marked tramping tracks and routes, combined the famous Northern Crossing, Southern Crossing and Te Araroa Walk in Tararua Range. Anyone keen to join is also welcomed. Ronnie
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by zoneblue
On 23 November 2011
Replies 37
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