Hollyford Road back on the Agenda

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  • Peter, The walkwire at Hokuri Creek is simply for safe crossing. At the time I was there, the lake was high and river conditions near its mouth on Gravel Cove were fast-flowing. It could be difficult & dangerous to forde it. Check out 1:50 000, Topo Map 260 - D39, Lake McKerrow, Published 2002, ref: D39 167 326. Yes, the gravel lakeshore is the track including some wading plus the possibility of a short swim across (ref: D39 148 343). As discussed, look carefully for the markers. According to the topo D39, it's about 41/2 kms from the last walkwire, the one after the crossing at Hokuri. Cheers, Dzung.
  • Yes.......Gerry Brownlee again.........the man who wants to turn the national parks into open cast mines.......I am off to the Hollyford Track in March and I think we are all seeing the best of NZ before most of it is destroyed.....what a crying shame.....
  • As reported in the Otago Daily Times today: http://www.odt.co.nz/your-town/milford-sound/96675/hollyford-road-proposal-039dead039 . The road idea is "dead", again. A pity in my opinion, though the price tag seamed excessive.
  • That's good news but considering the number of times this idea has come up and been dropped for the same reasons, hardly suprising.
  • I can only hope it stays buried in the most difficult to find filing cabinet available. The only reason for bringing it to the forefront again was to make it easier for prospectors to get gear where it was needed to start drilling bloody great holes all over the place. Especially up around the a couple of valleys at the top of the Pyke. Promoting tourism was just a damn smokescreen.
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Forum The campfire
Started by PhilipW
On 14 January 2010
Replies 14
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