Kahurangi Wilderness Area

  • Looking for one or two partners for a 10 day trip through Kahurangi Wilderness Area (Lake Aorere), starting at Flora Saddle, finishing Heaphy Track, Golden Bay. Need to be experienced in off track tramping. Self contained. Late Feb, March, early April 2014. I live near Nelson. Bob.
  • Hi Hashi I could be interested in the tramp from Flora Saddle to the Heaphy via Lake Aorere. I am an experienced tramper, aged 61, live in Lower Hutt and am a member of the Hutt Valley Tramping Club. The nearest that I have been to where you plan to go is up Silvermine Creek onto the Garibaldi Plateau and Pyramid. Brian
  • Hello Brian Thanks for your interest. I usually tramp alone and know no one who has the experience or skill for this tramp. I know nothing of this area and consider this to be on the edge of my confidence zone, but if I find no one for this tramp I will probably do it on my own anyway. My main interest in finding a companion is from the safety angle and thus increasing my confidence zone, there have been several occasions that I could have done with someone to share thoughts with on whether to take this decision or that. Hope that makes sense to you. I am not a fast tramper but rarely fail to achieve a tramping target due to time running out. 6 - 8 hrs in winter, 8 - 12 hours in summer is my typical tramping times (mix off/on track) for day tramps. Roughly the route is up the Beautiful River and tributary onto Centre Mtn etc, down the Spey and up one of the spurs onto the Gouland Range and along the range to Perry Saddle. I think it could be done in 9 days, but I find it quite hard to predict off track work, especially up the Beautiful, (I was thinking 2 days) I can find no info on the valley or come to that on most of the route from Roaring Lion to the Heaphy. Late Feb/Mar/April gives the best weather (usually?) in this region. I can not find any means to contact you by email. My email is [Email address removed] Bob
  • Hi Bob, Have you done Te Araroa in Richmond? Say Starveall to Red Hills? I am keen in doing that next Jan or Feb. Aim to bag 10 more huts. As Kahurangi off track, I am also interested. Had done Lake Matiri to 1000 acre plateau, off track to Devil's table, neddle peak, Haystack, hurricane, out to Wangapeka. Could you roughly outline the route and date of your plan? I am 60+, serious tramper, ultralight with fast pace.
  • Have done Alpine route in different combinations and bits round Ben Nevis, Porters and Red Hill ridges + a few spurs + r b Mot River bed, day walks on the plateau. Stunning area, worthy of nat park status. Have not done the link over Wards Pass, on list. Done most parts of Richmond, gradually working along the Richmond Range. Flora - Karamea bend - Roaring Lion - Beautiful River - Centre peak - L Aorere - Spey River- Gouland Range - Perry Saddle Months as above, usually aim at March. As I walk on my own I am able to watch the weather forecast and be flexible with my start time. I don't think I would want to do this tramp if the weather looked crap, I'll probably only have one hit at it, want the best conditions I can get. As above, I don't walk fast + photo stops. Timing on this tramp is kind of vague but looking at the route you will see daily sections emerge. Beautiful is a very unknown qualtity, Centre Mtn may be tricky / avoided, rest looks ok, sort of, maybe, who knows. Water problems? Do you know how to exchange email address?
  • Hi hashi You have to write your email like this: myemail(at)hotmail(dot)com Good luck.
  • I will be doing this tramp this Autumn, probably on my own but am still open others joining. If anyone has any info on the sections : Beautiful River, Centre Mtn, Spey River, Gouland Range I would like to hear from you. Brian P, I am interested in your tramp on the Garibaldi Plateau. A traverse of Garibaldi is on my list of to do's and would be most interested in your experience, route (inc crossing the Karamea) and timing. Contact : bobhugs[at]gmail[dot]com or through the forum.
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by hashi
On 7 November 2013
Replies 6
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