Lake Man Bivvy

  • Hi, we are looking at tramping up the Doubtful Valley, over pass at lake man biv and down to the Hope, just wondering if any one knows what the pass would be like during october, snow wise? I know it's pretty hard to know from season to season but just thought someone might have an idea or done the same trip at the similar time of the year.
  • Were you thinking the saddle around 1320m, over to the Pussy Stream? Had a quick flick through photos from a Harpers Pass trip, Labour Weekend 2009. Looked fairly minimal then, at that level, when we went over the pass. Mind you, we woke to 30cm snow overnight at the Hope Kiwi hut and had to plod through it all the way out to SH7! You never know....good luck. Worth a try, is my guess.
  • I did this trip in April 2011. The track off the saddle is straight forward but the descent down the spur into Pussy stream is very steep. Snow would just make it harder but not impossible
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by dicey
On 16 May 2011
Replies 2
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