Coromandel Walkway

  • 4 hr 30 min – 5 hr loop track
  • Easy

Long coastal walk with good views out to Great Barrier and Cuvier Island.

Coromandel Walkway • By matthew. Licence: cc by-nc-nd.
Coromandel Walkway: Key information
Walking time
1 day
4 hr 30 min – 5 hr
Loop track
Loop track
No bookings — open access
No — open access
Coromandel Walkway: Find it
Fletcher Bay, Coromandel Peninsula
Stony Bay, Coromandel Peninsula
540m – Sea level
Altitude change -540m

The Coromandel Walkway is a shared-use track along the coastline between Fletcher and Stony Bays. The route described here returns along the stock route, a mountain biking track, to form a loop.

Fletcher Bay lies at the very end of a long coastal road from Coromandel through Colville and Port Jackson. Stony Bay is accessed from Colville via Port Charles Road or from Waikawau Bay via Waikawau Beach Road and Port Charles Road. DOC campsites are located at both bays.

From Fletcher Bay, climb a stile and follow the grassy trail to a junction with the stock rout. The landscape here is rugged coastline, blue seas, and sculptural pohutukawa trees. Just before coming to Poley Bay, the track cuts into bush. Passing a look out, the track drops gently through kanuka forest to the wide Stony Bay, edged with large pohutukawa trees.

From Stony Bay, cross the creek and turn right onto a paddock. Over another creek, and climb a vehicle track uphill. It's a long climb to 540m, before dropping down again to the junction near Fletcher Bay.

Walking times:

  • Fletcher Bay - junction: 30 min
  • Junction - Poley Bay: 10 min
  • Poley Bay - look out: 35 min
  • Look out - Stony Bay: 1 hr
  • Stony Bay - bike track summit: 1 hr
  • Summit - Fletcher Bay: 1 hr 10 min


ID 8527

About this track

Added 1 April 2013 by matthewmatthew. 1 revision 1 April 2013 by matthewmatthew.
30 views in the past year (3 per month).