Head of Lyell Creek

Head of Lyell Creek

This pic looks up Lyell Creek to Lyell Saddle where the new Lyell Saddle hut has been built. The snow capped hill to the right of the saddle is Bald Hill.

The Mokihinui-Lyell Backcountry Trust with some help from DOC have opened up the old dray road and pack track from Lyell to Lyell Saddle. A track construction team is currently working on a new track from Lyell Saddle up on to Bald Hill. That track will eventually carry along the Lyell Range and then drop down a ridge to Stern Creek then follow the TR out to the South Branch of the Mokihinui River. This track work is part of what is probably the most ambitious of the 18 "NZ Cycle Trail Projects".



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ID 7322

About this photograph

Added 21 September 2011 by glennj. 2 revisions, most recently 4 February 2015 by glennjglennj.


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