View SW from Granite Hill Nov 2018
This pic from the top of Granite Hill shows the surviving trig beacon. (Two other toppled trigs are also there) This view includes Mt Alexander with cloud on it, Lake Poerua and Mt Tara Tama.
In other directions you can see Lake Brunner and other lakes, the Elliot tops and the chunk of country between the Haupiri and Crooked Rivers which contains the famed Lake Morgan. The latter two areas are great tramping country and also hold strong chamois populations.
It takes a bit of effort to get up to the tussock on Granite Hill but it is worth it! As far as I am aware there are no tracks up Granite Hill though there are some overgrowing logging roads near the base. Some people helicopter up there. I walked up through bush and scrub to the SW corner of the tussock tops then along the range to the top from the Crooked River bridge. This took 3¾ hrs going up and was a ½ hr quicker returning the same way. (There may well be a better way?)