This is a community-oriented information site about walking and tramping (hiking) in New Zealand. Information here is provided by community members and is not officially authorised or verified. Just like any information source (website, book, brochure, map), it may be inaccurate or out-of-date. We recommend that you complete an intentions card at a DOC visitor centre before your walk, and take the opportunity to talk to DOC staff about your plans and current track conditions.

Since there are many good New Zealand travel websites, you will not find much general information here. Try these sites instead:

You do not need to register with this site to use it. However if you do register, you can interact with it in many ways: bookmark, rate and comment on material, send and receive mail with other members, post and respondd to messages on the noticeboard, create a profile other members can read.

Registered members can also add track information, articles, photographs, and more to this site, and even edit information added by others. You may have heard of a web encyclopedia called Wikipedia -- an encyclopedia that anyone can edit. That encyclopedia and this site are both examples of "wikis" -- websites that anybody can edit. Here there are a few rules. Some things can be edited by anybody and some are private. Currently, track, hut, place, and club information can be edited by anybody. Articles and photographs can only be edited by the original contributors.

The original site was 100% static HTML, created by Matthew Walker and launched on 24 December 1996. The site has been through five major redesigns since then, including two staic HTML versions, one ASP version and two ColdFusion versions. This version, the first to feature a wiki engine and running on a ColdFusion server, launched in Spring 2005. The engine, called Whio, is a prototype version created by ESWsoftware in 2005.