Kopuapounamu River

Raukumara Forest Park

Kopuapounamu River

Kopuapounamu River - the easternmost access point into the Raukumara Forest Park. Entering the sea at Te Araroa, access up the river is on Queen's Chain and LINZ-owned riverbed. The river is bounded by pines for much of it's length, and the broad flats are frequently covered with exotic scrub, but going is easy. However, once in the park things change - the exotic scrub is replaced by mature bush, and things become more challenging. The headwaters are steep and slipped, and routes up onto ridgelines must be selected with care. A ramshackle private hut sits just outside the park on the north bank of the river.



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ID 10200

About this photograph

Added 25 May 2014 by madpom. No revisions.


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